Monday, April 9, 2012

Instagramming Your Church

Instagram is one of my new favorite forms of social media. It is entirely picture based. You take pictures and share them on your Instagram feed. It also easily connects with Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. One of the coolest things about this app is that it allows you to very easily add some cool filters and focus options that make your pictures look very cool and professional.

The church is a perfect place for using Instagram. By simply taking photos with my iPhone, I can then quickly edit and share the pictures on Facebook and Twitter, allowing people to get an idea of what's going on there in a way that words can't always capture.

Side note...if the pen is mightier than the sword, how do actions speak louder than words? Let that explode your brain for a while.

Here's some Instagram shots I've taken at our church. Enjoy, and consider downloading the free app yourself!

People coming on stage last week to make a commitment to become a follower of Jesus!

The first Sunday back in our newly renovated sanctuary.

Me preaching during the Not A Fan series.

Pastor Mark preaching during our Six Habits series

"Snow" inside during our Family Christmas Eve service

Sanctuary altar at Christmas Eve

Anderson Hills UMC

1 comment:

  1. Dear Servant of Christ Our Lord ,Holy Greetings to you in Jesus Our Lord.When I am Searching For Some Particular Biblical Material for Our Ministries, I have found your site and I read your Writings,Really they are informative.

    I am a Servant of God from India.

    If it is God's will and if it is Pleases to you, Please Pray for me and for The Salvation of The Perishing Millions through Our Ministries in these Perilous Last Days.

    I Pray for you.

    Keep Writing and Preaching Good Sermons For His Glory and for The Salvation of The Perishing Souls.

    In Christ Our Sovereign Lord
