Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two new must have iPad apps for church people

I just found two new apps I wanted to share with people who work in churches.

The first is for pastors and is called "Sermon Design for Preachers." can you guess what this app does?

I forget how much it is (maybe $5) but its worth it. Does everything that Notability does, but also categorizes your sermons for you by both title and scripture automatically. You can audio record and time your sermons while you preach and insert them in outline or manuscript form. It's pretty sweet. Apparently, they're looking to attach a Bible app to it to import scripture from. Hopefully YouVersion.

The second app is for worship leaders and is called OnSong.

Also around $5, but this thing is legit. If you are a worship leader and have an iPad, you need to have this. Connects with your Rockin' with the Cross account to import songs, amongst other sites. Allows you to edit, add notes, transpose, and even creates slides for you for the songs. IT MAKES THE SLIDES PEOPLE. And you can share this stuff with your whole band. Great, great app.

If you find any other good ones, let me know.


  1. Great mobile apps for churches. Thank you for sharing this. Church apps is a great device for communication between church and people.

  2. Nice apps. Both of these church apps are nice.Church app is playing a big role to communicate people with church.

  3. The apps you have shared are most helpful for Christian. Really science has given us a great device to communicate with church.
