In one of my very first blog posts I talked about how well Rick Warren uses social media. It's like he was built for it. I'm pretty sure everything he says is in 140 characters or less. I love this guy.
You can follow him on Twitter at @RickWarren.
The pastor of Saddleback Church and author of The Purpose Driven Life was kind enough to sit down with me for a completely fake and in no way real interview that didn't really happen, ever.
Me: Hey Rick, I appreciate you sitting down with me. Can I call you Rick, or do you prefer Pastor Warren.
Rick: Please, call me Rick. I'm Renewed, Intense, Candid, and Kind. RICK.
Me: Ah! Gotcha! I see what you did there.
Rick: It's who I am. I just have to be me. You asked me to sit down with you, so I SAT: Sincere, Authentic, and Timely.
Me: I see.
Rick: SAT. Write that down.
Me: Done. Now Rick, you are constantly on Twitter. Why do you think it is so important for you to be involved in social media?
Rick: Dan, it's right in the name. It's a place where I can be Truthful, Winsome, Engaging, Encouraging, and Thought-provoking. TWEET.
Dan: Uh-huh.
Rick. TWEET. Write that down.
Dan: Yeah, I did. It's good.
Rick: No, it's great. I only do things that are great. Genuine, Real, Expository, Altruistic, and Terrific. GREAT.
Dan: Sure, ok, it's great.
Rick: GREAT. Write that down.
Dan: Let's talk about something else. Are you married? Tell me about your wife.
Rick: She is everything a wife should be. Wonderful, Impressive, Forthcoming, and Elegant.
Dan: Uh...
Rick: WIFE. Write that down.
Dan: I notice you seem to be really in to Hawaiian shirts. What's that about?
Rick: They fit my personality. They are Happy, Ample, Washable, Anti-bland, Intense, Incalculable, Appetizing, and Nuanced.
Dan: Some of those adjectives don't make sense for both the shirt and you.
Rick: HAWAIIAN. Write that down. And don't question my acronyms.
Dan: Do you have any advice for young pastors engaging in social media?
Rick: Just be YOU: Young, Overwhelming, and Understated.
Dan: OK, that doesn't even mean anything.
Rick: What do you know. Do you have a book?
Dan: No.
Rick: Then I win. Witty. Incapacitating. Nocturnal.
Dan: K, I'm going to leave now.
Rick: I WIN. Write that down.
That is pretty amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul...Perfect, Awesome, Understated, Legendary. PAUL.